
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

how to tie a shoe lase

In Tui class we have been learning instructions, of how to tie your shoe lase a few days before that we did a monster and alien instructions  and we had to write how to draw what I drew. 

Then the next day we did instructions  of how to tie a shoe lases  so first we got given 5 mins from Mrs Cutler , to write how to tie a shoe lase. 

then one of the students got to test the instructions most of them was a fail. then we had to edit and fix our writing so it would make seance. 

then we got into a group and had to test out how our instructions worked.


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  3. Kia ora. I am Catalina from St Mary’s School.
    I liked the way you said how long you had.
    This reminded me of how important it is to re-read and go back.
    How long did it take for someone to finally get it right? Which one did you enjoy more? Monsters and aliens or how to tie a shoe lace?
    Please visit my blog

    Mā te wā
