
Friday, August 30, 2019

Mahi Tahi blindfold taste test

Mahi Tahi,Mahi Tahi is when the three class come toughtor.
there are three C's that are communication,calibration,critical thinking and creativity.
In Mahi Tahi we get put into groups,like we did.

There was a taster and a guesser I was the taster,we began with icing sugar I thought it tasted like cotton candy,next was mustered then coco power,salt,I got lime juice it was so sour then marmite,capper seed that tasted like pepper then the one that I didn't enjoy was hot clii sauce my favourite GOLDEN SYRUP this was one of the best days ever            

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Google earth

Last week my class learnt about famous landmarks from all around the world.

like the The Egyptian Pyramids,
The leaning tower of Pisa,
Eiffel Tower,
Taj Mahal 
Sydney opera house,
Empire state building,
The Statue of Liberty
And the Colosseum 

Then we went to the mat and Mrs Culter explained "get you're chrome books out and search up google earth and put in the search bar famous landmarks.
I searched up the White House,In google earth you could go inside the actual white house and see whats inside I've always wanted to see the inside of The White house.
Did you know that the when the builders of the leaning tower of Pisa got to the third floor the building started to sink,before it started to sink the leaning tower of Pisa's name was going to be the tower of Pisa.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

what you need in a information report

What an information report needs...An information report needs a topic of what your subject is.Next thing you need 6 Ws-who how which, why, when, what.Then you need some information about the animal,food,place,country, whatever you want.
Reports include 
1.information report can only have facts not opinions.
2.technical language sub-headings 
3.It can include sub-headings but not necessary 
4.can include maps,images,diagrams,graphs to support the text.


Friday, August 9, 2019

$200 dollar note

For a couple of weeks we have been learning about  famous icons in New Zealand.

Then my class took the risk of making a $200 dollar note,after we were learning about all the famous people of New Zealand .
In New Zealand the people on the money may of changed New Zealand or the world.
We drew out a sketch of the person that we wanted, I did Jacinda Ardern  because she is  very important to New Zealand.

She made plastic bags banned in most grocery stores.

The reason why I used a Tui is because the Tui has a strong meaning of being a bird just like Jacinda Ardern .

I used Auckland city landmark because she is special to Auckland,and the new motorway.
 this is mine

by Ava


Thursday, August 1, 2019