
Thursday, June 17, 2021

Do you want to be a follower of Jesus?

In Te Kahu we have been making a poster to advertise a job for a job, the job is a follower of Jesus, would you take the job? Do you think you have the 5 qualities? i have really enjoyed making this it was so much fun. 

Monday, March 15, 2021

See, Think, Wonder!





What is a river? 

  • A river can also be called a creek.

  • A river runs down a hill from a source or an underground spring.

  • A river is holds mostly french water.

  • It normally connects to the ocean.

  • How many tones can a river hold?

  • Do they always connect to the ocean.

How are rivers formed? 

  • A river is a natural flowing watercourse,usually freshwater flowing towards an ocean.


  • By water flowing down a hill or a mountain.

  • When the water or snow falls off the mountain does it form a hole to hold the water 

Stages of a river.

  • Young River - the upper course.

  • Middle Aged River - the middle course.

  • Old River - the lower course

  • The the water soaks into the ground

  •  The hole/ditch gets bigger due to the weight of the water.

  • Does the river ever become unusable because of how much water it has held.

What have I learned? 

  • How rivers are formed.

  • What makes a river.

  • The stages of rivers.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

My wordle

This is my wordle, I love the colours that I choose.This was based on the Americas cup. this was so fun to make.


Week 4 reflection


Write a reflection based on your learning and experiences during week 4. - What was the highlight of your week and why?

Going to Tech and continuing to make a wooden box.It was so much fun being able to learn about measurements and other things about woodwork and what to do.
- What was one challenge and why?
Swimming was a challenge and having to never give up and push yourself to your limits.
- What have you done to walk more in the footsteps of Jesus this week?
I have helped the people who are need of help.
- How have you shown the value of Mercy?
I have tried to be kind and caring to all.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Week 3 reflection.

 My highlight of my week was doing meditation with our schools priest, it was a way to wind down and become aware of our surrounding.

The thing that I found challenging was Tech, as I was new to all of the activities and what we do.

Something I want to improve on is my swimming so that I can be good for the swimming sports coming up.

 I showed mercy by helping people out and lending them my stuff.

I am looking forward to Tech on week 4, as we are making a wooden box. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

My highlight of week 2

 My highlight of week 2 was the swimming sports i'm improving everyday. and becoming better at holding my breath.

What was something challenging ?

Something I found challenging was to do complicated maths and to find a way to decode it.

What was a success?

My successfully completed my art and I was very proud and happy that I had finished it.

What have you learned?  

I learned a lot about Waitangi day and how it became a thing.

Im looking forward to learning new things next week.


Friday, February 12, 2021

Mercy Values

 Mercy Values Book

At school we have learnt about the 6 mercy values and what they mean.We could make whatever we wanted to, to show what the 6 mercy values are. the 6 values are compassion,hospitality, respect, service and social justice!

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Weekly reflection: Week 1

 At the start of week 1 I felt nervous because I was seeing people who I haven't seen in a long time. I was excited to meet new people as well as seeing my friends.

The highlight of my week was spending time with my friends and meeting new people.

Something I found challenging was adapting to the new classroom and new learning strategies.

I am really looking forward to doing fun activities outside of school like tech and swimming.